Festival season is rapidly approaching and we want YOU to have the latest threads to rock. Katin has teamed up with our friends at SeaVees to giveaway this ultimate Festival Survival Kit.
1. Follow@KatinUSA and@SeaVeeson Instagram 2. Like this giveaway outfit photo on our Instagram 3. Comment on the giveaway photo tagging your fellow festival goers.
We will announce the winner on ourInstagram (@KatinUSA) on Monday at noon PST.
Festival season is almost here and Katin wants you to have the latest threads to rock at your favorite music fest. Win the below festival fit, the No Problemo Hat, Arrows Woven Shirt and Patio Shorts, straight from the new Spring ‘16 collection! Here is what you have to do:
1. Follow @KatinUSA on Instagram 2. Like the giveaway photo 3. Comment on the giveaway photo tagging your fellow festival goers.
We will announce the winner on our Instagram (@KatinUSA) on Friday at 9 p.m. PST.